My four girls hanging out on my bed. Right now four seems like so many... Crazy crazy household now!
For example... yesterday morning (Sunday) I dragged out of bed at 7 after 3 hours of sleep. Phoebe was hungry again. Olivia stopped me and said, "Mommy, you need to make me breakfast. I'm hungry. How about pancakes?" Zenna tugged at me and said, "Mommy, could you help me? I lost my blankie." (Yes, she said that whole phrase... she's quite the talker!) After I got breakfast ready (toast and bananas, no pancakes today!), I went to wake up Abigail. She growled at me and told me it was too hard, she couldn't wake up today. Then I had to get them all ready for church. I was not up to going yet, but Mum and Papa Haws took them (daddy was playing the organ). We made it! After they left, I laid down to nurse the baby, and slept for 3 hours! I was so grateful for a nap! Wow!
I thought it was hard to have one baby. Motherhood is tough.
I thought it was hard to have two babies (15 months apart). That was busy.
I thought it was hard to have three little ones. I still got a nap every day.
It is hard to have four... for the first time, I don't have the chance to nap with my baby. I am exhausted by 8 every night. When the kids go to bed, I am ready to crash!!!
All that said, I love it! We are still adjusting, and thankfully Joe is taking care of the dishes every day. Pretty soon though we'll be in a good groove. Life is good. We love being in the four girl club! We are now one of three families in the ward with four girls. One family came over just the other day to "welcome us into the four girl club." They are great.