Friday, January 29, 2010

The ER

Yesterday I had to take Phoebe to the ER. She has had a cold, and it went to her lungs. She was really struggling to breath--her chest was sinking in with every breath, and her respiration rate was over 60 breaths a minute. So, nothing to do but go for help.

They were very nice, and very helpful. They took us right back to a room, and got Phoebe started on breathing treatment right away. It was nice because I was able to nurse her while I blew the nebulizer in her face, so she took it calmly. She was a champ! They all thought she was so cute, and were very impressed with her smile and her chub. When it was time for a chest X-Ray, she sat up like she was getting her picture taken. The tech was quite impressed that she didn't scream.

The RSV test was negative, and though she has a little spot that looks like pre-pneumonia on her lungs, she checked out OK. They gave us a prescription for antibiotics, a steroid, and an albuterol. We went back today for a follow-up, and she looks a million times better.

So, my homegrown baby had her first taste of the hospital, and did great! I am grateful for the wonders of modern medicine. While I don't believe in overusing the powers of medicine, I am glad and willing to use it when I need it. And now my baby can breathe.

Many prayers of gratitude for that. Amen.


  1. Those chubbs are precious!! I'm so sorry you had to take her to the hospital; I know what that's like and it is not fun. I'm glad she's doing better. Such a cute girl!

  2. Oh, I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital, but glad that you got the help you needed and she's doing better.

    And I am so jealous of those chubby cheeks!

  3. Oh, my gosh, she is soooo chubby! Adorable! I'm glad she's okay, that's scary!

  4. Wow how scary. I am so glad Miss Phoebe is doing OK! :)

  5. I'm glad you got her in and and she is feeling better.

  6. We are glad that she is doing well. Trips to the doctor and hospital aren't fun for any reason!


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